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Why should you act?
Image de Jay Wennington

Why you ?

You can create change because:


  • The food sector has a major role to play, accounting for around a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions. You have the power to significantly reduce its impact: reducing transport distances, waste - particularly food waste - meat consumption, etc.


  • You can intercept the market demand of customers who are more attentive to sustainable tourism offerings, proposing new experiences in the food and wine sector.

  • ​You're facing more and more constraints due to climate change: water shortages, extreme weather conditions impacting crops, and so on.


  • You also face a higher level of unpredictability when it comes to the availability, quality and price of raw materials.

Why now ?

To become a change maker, you have to go through four stages that can be summed up in these words: 

Measure - Reduce - Contribute - Adapt


 © Michele Lapini

Floods and harvest

At least 400 million kilos of wheat have been lost in 2023 in the flooded soils of Emilia-Romagna (Italy), where 1/3 of the country's wheat is produced. Fruit harvests will also be compromised over the next five years, with the roots of orchard trees rotting, they'll need to be completely replaced.

Taking the measure of change

How to measure your carbon footprint?

What are your main sources of GHG emissions in your activity? 

Click on the icons to find out more

Measuring your carbon footprint is the essential starting point for any progress initiative! It enables you to identify the main sources of emissions in your business and act accordingly to reduce them.

Agriculture and catering account for over 18% of tourism's carbon footprint worldwide (Sustainable Travel International, 2018).

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How to reduce your impact on climate?

Discover some eco-gestures that can help you!

Click on the good practice to find out more, or download the complete booklet in PDF by clicking here.


As a restaurateur, you play a major role in your customers' behavior!

You're constantly conveying messages of awareness, learning and respect to travelers and your staff alike.

Here are a few tips you can apply to maximize your positive impact:

Click on the best practice to find out more, or download the complete PDF booklet by clicking here.



While it's vital to act now to reduce our negative impact on our environment, the effects of change are already being felt, the consequences are already there, and now is the time to avoid exacerbating them and adapt to them.

Here are a few tips for you as a restaurateur!

Click on the best practice to find out more, or download the complete PDF booklet by clicking here.


Visit Clim'act, our low carbon travel online game
To contact the ATRE organisation in your country, click here.
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