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Why should you act?

Why you ?

You can create change because:


  • You spend the most time with visitors, you are ideally placed to create real connections between nature, culture & people. 


  • Thanks to your local and regional expertise, you have a rich potential to make the issue of climate change lively, interesting and perceptible, and to transmit it to target groups.


  • You can raise public awareness, in both visitors and local communities.


  • You are a direct witnesse of the effects of climate change on water resources, vegetation, fauna and the profound changes in human activities (changes in seasonality, socio-economic changes, etc.) 


  • You are dependent on the environment: extreme weather events, forest fires, lack of snow or other phenomenon can impact your job


  • You face increased risks and constraints related to climate change.

Why now ?

To become a change maker, you have to go through four stages that can be summed up in these words: 

Measure - Reduce - Contribute - Adapt


Mer de glace.jpg
(c) Walter Mittelholzer, ETH-Zurich library
& Kieran Baxter, University of Dundee
mer de glace 2.jpg

The melting of glaciers

​The consequences of ice melting for summer trekking in the mountains are immediate. Below, the example of the evolution of the ‘Mer de Glace’ on Mont Blanc between 1919 and 2019.

Taking the measure of change

How to measure your carbon footprint?

What are your main sources of GHG emissions in your activity? 

Click on the icons to find out more

Measuring your carbon footprint is the essential starting point for any progress initiative! It enables you to identify the main sources of emissions in your business and act accordingly to reduce them.

Pour changer la langue du quiz, sélectionnez votre langue dans le menu en haut à gauche de la page.


Tour guides and escorts play an important role in the behaviour of visitors.

They are constantly conveying a message of awareness, learning and respect for the natural sites and the local communities visited, as well as for all the various forms of wildlife.

Click on the best practice to find out more, or download the complete PDF booklet by clicking here.


Discover how some guides already try to adapt to climate change damages.

For example, climate change already modifies the conditions for mountain guides, with amplified risks of rockfall, avalanches, melting ice, etc. In France studies have shown that almost all mountain guides are forced to adapt their practice to the effects of climate change. Click here to find out more about their adaptation strategies!

You too can adapt !

The increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, storms, floods, and heatwaves due to climate changes can lead to critical situations. For this reason it is becoming necessary for guides and escorts to develop skills in crisis management. These include: 

Click on the best practice to find out more, or download the complete PDF booklet by clicking here.


Visit Clim'act, our low carbon travel online game
To contact the ATRE organisation in your country, click here.
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